“Burned Out” tells the story of two childhood friends, one healthy and happy, and the other under the influence of cannabis. Their relationship used to be filled with trust, good health, and love. Things changed when one made positive decisions about her life, and the other succumbed to peer pressure and started using weed. Under-aged cannabis use literally “Burned Out” her ability to keep and maintain relationships with her closest friends and family. Her physical and mental health declined, and her grades dropped drastically. While her childhood friend continued to thrive, the other began to disappear.
This is a reality in middle and high schools. Good friends make different choices, and those choices can tear them apart. Weed can burn away a person’s ability to think clearly, and can negatively impact the user’s health and future. It’s difficult as a friend to see this happening and not be able to help. If this is you, and you are the healthy friend, never give up on the other person, and never give up HOPE that they can return to their original self. Showing this through art was a challenge at first, but after making the decision to literally burn the paper, the message became clear.