2024 Suicide Prevention Month Activities and Resources
September is Suicide Prevention Month and #SuicidePreventionWeek is September 8-14, a time in which individuals, organizations and communities around the country join their voices to broadcast the message that everyone can play a role in suicide prevention. The worldwide call to action for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th is #StartTheConversation, which encourages individuals to check in with friends and family, share personal stories, and advocate for mental health resources.
Here are some actions you can take during Suicide Prevention Month and beyond:
- Download our 2024 Suicide Prevention Week Digital Toolkit with social media graphics, videos, and captions in English (Word / PDF) and Spanish (Word / PDF).
- Check in with the young people in your life. Remind them that they are never a bother and that you are here for them. Additional resources can be found in the Suicide Prevention Toolkit from the Never a Bother youth suicide prevention media campaign at
- Share information about the warning signs of suicide. Pain isn’t always obvious. Yet most people considering suicide show warning signs or signals of their intentions. The signs or changes in behavior may appear in their conversations, actions or social media. These are of most concern if the behavior is new, has increased or seems related to a painful event, loss, or change.
- On September 10th, light a candle to symbolize hope. At 8pm on World Suicide Prevention Day, light a candle near a window (or on social media) to show your support for suicide prevention, to remember a loved one, and for survivors of suicide.
- Encourage youth to submit to the Hope and Justice Art and Film Contest. The prompt for September is: Never a Bother. Life can get overwhelming, especially when we experience small and big life changes like going back to school, moving, going to college or a new school, or even starting a job. Create a film, art piece, song, or narrative that reminds us that we don’t have to face these challenges alone. Let someone know that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes and remind them that they are never a bother. For more information, view the flyer and visit the monthly prompt contest page.
- Participate in the 988 Art & Video Challenge. Learn what happens when you call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and hear from youth about their experiences calling 988 on the Never a Bother YouTube Channel. Now create your own video or digital graphic (sized for Instagram) promoting this resource to young people from your community. Every entry that shares the reasons someone should reach out for help and incorporates graphics from the Never a Bother campaign receives a $20 gift card and a chance to win a $100 grand prize. Prizes provided by Youth Creating Change. Review the rules and learn more about the contest here. Open to California youth ages 12 to 25.
- Share short films about suicide prevention and mental health created by youth across California on social media, during events or presentations, on your website, or as part of awareness campaigns. Video graphics and captions can also be downloaded in our digital toolkit (Word / PDF).
- Create a Never a Bother Space! Feeling supported by friends, family, and connected to a school community can be a protective factor for suicide. Identify yourself as an approachable and trusted adult and let them know that you are comfortable to talk about anything they need, including suicide and mental health. One way you can do this is by decorating your door, or another space, with welcoming statements that reassure young people they are never a bother and your door is always open. See the Never a Bother Activity tip sheet to get started or visit for more resources.
- Take a few minutes to enjoy the Youth Voices for Mental Health Virtual Exhibit, a collection of art, short films, and narratives received by young people across California as part of the Hope & Justice Contest in partnership with the CalHOPE Schools Initiative. Find additional CalHOPE resources at
- Looking for mental health support? Soluna is an app for teens that offers a safe space to explore and manage your well-being through resources, forums, and more. It’s free, easy to use, and confidential. Download the free app at
- Share resources. There are many resources available if you or someone you or someone you know is in crisis or just needs to talk.
And finally, check in with yourself and with someone in your life. Remind them that they are never a bother. If you need help or someone to listen, connect with one of these resources.